<aside> πŸͺ Getting to the heart of what that means, plus debunking any lingering beliefs about yourself, your ability to be successful, and what you deserve.


1.1 Convenient Circumstances

<aside> πŸ”† TASK: Think about these convenient circumstances this week, and catch yourself. Write them down!


1.2 Beliefs

<aside> πŸ”† TASK:

What beliefs do you have?

What stories do you tell yourself?

What can’t you do?

What do you think about yourself and your skills.


1.3 Values

<aside> πŸ”† TASK:

What are the top 3 things that give your life meaning?

Do these define you as a person?

Do these reflect how you want your business to run? ~ Brain dump any value words that you can think of that connect to your business, until you can’t anymore. Circle the ones that stand out, cross out the crap. Sleep on this, or make a cup of tea, come back with fresh eyes. What words stand out? Highlight FIVE words to finalise your values.


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