<aside> ⚠️ The B.U.G sales page essentialy to create a page that converts.



The most important part of the entire page, the first impression.

Clear compelling and the deciding factor of whether or not they’re going to buy.

MAKE IT: Eye-catching, Call out ICA, Speak to the transformation, Create desire)

Eg. For (ICA) ready to go from (Challenge) to (Destination).

Eg. The (Adjective) way for (ICA) to reach (Destination)

Eg. Achieve (Destination/Solution/Outcome) without (Obstacle/Pain Point).

Eg. Calling all (ICA) who want to (Transformation/Destination) in (Timeframe)

Eg. Reach (Outcome/Solution/Destination) by (Portal/Method) so that (Ripple Effect)


The copy on your sales page needs to be captivating. People skim, so make sure everything is necessary, and speak in the tone of your brand/in a way that the ICA understands.

Call out the ICA (announce them)

Eg. Hey (ICA) let’s get you from (Challenge) to (Destination).

Eg. (ICA), struggling with (challenge)?

– Speak to their desires Eg. Imagine going from (Challenge) to (Destination)

– Make the Typography easy on the eye Eg. Use Pre-headings, subheadings, Pull quotes, bold & underlines.